Can a newborn sleep on a boppy pillow?

Every new parent wants the best for their baby, especially when it comes to ensuring they sleep safely and soundly. One product that often comes to mind for parents is the Boppy pillow, popularly used for feeding and tummy time. However, many parents wonder if they can use it as a sleep aid for their newborns.

Ensuring the safety of sleep environments for infants is of paramount importance, as improper sleeping conditions can lead to fatal situations like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This guide will delve into whether a newborn can sleep in a Boppy pillow and provide some best practices for safe sleep.

Guide: Can a Newborn Sleep in a Boppy Pillow?

A Boppy pillow is a U-shaped pillow initially designed to support infants during breastfeeding. Over time, its versatility expanded, with parents using it for propping, tummy time, and sitting assistance as the child grows.

Safety Concerns with Boppy Pillows for Sleep:

Using Boppy pillows—or any soft bedding or objects—for infant sleep carries several safety concerns. It’s essential for parents and caregivers to be aware of these potential dangers, as the first few months of a baby’s life are particularly sensitive, and creating a safe sleep environment is crucial. Here are the primary safety concerns associated with using Boppy pillows for sleep:

  1. Risk of Suffocation:
    • Boppy pillows have a soft surface. If a baby were to turn or roll (even if they aren’t yet independently rolling), they could end up pressing their face against the soft material. This poses a risk of suffocation, as their airway might get obstructed.
  2. Improper Head and Neck Alignment:
    • When used for prolonged sleep, Boppy pillows might not offer the right support for a newborn’s head and neck. Misalignment can lead to potential developmental concerns or even discomfort for the baby.
  3. Rolling and Entrapment:
    • There’s a risk that the baby might roll off the Boppy pillow, leading to potential injury. Additionally, if the Boppy pillow is placed in a crib or bassinet, there’s a risk of the infant getting trapped between the pillow and the crib’s bars or sides.
  4. Overheating:
    • Soft and plush materials can cause babies to overheat, which is a known risk factor for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It’s crucial to ensure that babies don’t get too warm during sleep.
  5. False Sense of Security:
    • Parents might mistakenly believe that their child is safe on a Boppy pillow, especially if they are nearby or watching. However, accidents can happen rapidly, even under supervision.
  6. Interference with Supervised Awake Time:
    • Using the Boppy pillow for sleep can reduce its effectiveness for supervised awake activities like tummy time. Babies might begin to associate the Boppy with sleep rather than play, making some activities more challenging.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly recommends a safe sleep environment for infants, which includes placing the baby on their back on a firm, flat surface like a crib or bassinet, free from soft bedding, toys, and crib bumpers. This approach is part of the strategy to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths. It’s essential to prioritize these guidelines over convenience or perceived comfort for the baby.

Recommendations from Experts for newborn to sleep on a pillow

As of my last update in September 2021, the prevailing expert recommendation is that newborns should not sleep on pillows. Here’s a summary of the key expert recommendations regarding newborn sleep:

  1. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines:
    • The AAP strongly advises against the use of pillows, soft bedding, crib bumpers, and stuffed toys in an infant’s sleep environment to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related deaths.
    • Infants should be placed on their backs for every sleep period (including naps) on a firm sleep surface.
    • Soft and plush materials, like those in pillows, can obstruct an infant’s airway and lead to suffocation.
  2. World Health Organization (WHO) Recommendations:
    • WHO also recommends that infants should be placed to sleep on their backs on a flat, firm surface. They do not advise using pillows, as these can increase the risk of suffocation.
  3. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD):
    • Through its “Safe to Sleep” campaign, NICHD promotes a safe sleep environment for babies, emphasizing that they should sleep on a firm and flat surface without any pillows, blankets, or soft toys.
  4. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC):
    • The CPSC advises against placing any soft bedding, including pillows, in a baby’s sleep area to reduce the risk of suffocation and SIDS.

Rationale Behind the Recommendations:

  • Risk of Suffocation: Soft materials can pose a suffocation risk if a baby’s face becomes pressed against them, obstructing the airway.
  • Risk of Overheating: Soft materials can also cause babies to overheat, a known risk factor for SIDS.
  • Risk of Neck Injury: Pillows can elevate a baby’s head, potentially leading to neck injury due to the disproportionate weight of an infant’s head compared to the rest of their body.
  • Risk of Entanglement: As babies start to move and wriggle, there’s a potential risk of them becoming entangled or trapped in soft materials.

Parents and caregivers should always be updated with the latest safety guidelines and consult with their pediatrician or child health professionals for any personalized advice or concerns about their baby’s sleep environment.

Alternate Uses for Boppy Pillows:

Boppy pillows are versatile tools that can be used for a variety of purposes, especially during the early stages of an infant’s life. While they should not be used for unsupervised sleep, there are several alternate, beneficial uses for Boppy pillows:

  1. Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding Support:
    • The curved shape of a Boppy pillow can be wrapped around the waist of the parent or caregiver, providing a comfortable and elevated platform to support the baby during feeding. This can reduce arm, back, and neck strain for the person feeding the baby.
  2. Tummy Time:
    • Tummy time is essential for an infant’s development as it helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, and arm muscles. A Boppy pillow can be used to prop the baby up slightly during tummy time, making it a more enjoyable experience for some infants.
  3. Sitting Support:
    • As infants grow and begin to learn how to sit up independently, a Boppy pillow can be placed around them to offer a soft surrounding. If they wobble or lean to the side, the pillow can provide some support and cushioning.
  4. Parental Support:
    • Postpartum recovery can be challenging, and sometimes mothers might find sitting to be uncomfortable, especially after a cesarean section. A Boppy pillow can be used to provide some cushioning and support when sitting.
  5. Physical Therapy and Developmental Exercises:
    • For babies that might need some extra support due to developmental delays or other challenges, therapists sometimes incorporate Boppy pillows into their sessions as a prop to aid in various exercises.
  6. Bonding Time:
    • The Boppy can also be used as a comfortable spot for baby and parent to bond, especially during awake periods. Parents can lay the baby on the Boppy, facing them, for eye contact, talking, and singing.
  7. Travel Companion:
    • Due to its shape and size, some parents find the Boppy useful as a travel companion. It can be used for feeding or as a soft spot for the baby during trips, as long as the baby remains supervised.

While Boppy pillows have numerous alternate uses that can make daily tasks easier and more comfortable for both parents and infants, safety should always be the top priority. Never leave a baby unattended on a Boppy pillow, and always ensure that the baby’s airways remain open and unobstructed, regardless of the activity.


Can I use a Boppy pillow for nighttime sleep for my newborn?

No, Boppy pillows are not designed or recommended for nighttime or unsupervised sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that the safest sleep environment for an infant is a firm sleep surface without any soft bedding, toys, or pillows.

I’ve seen photos of babies sleeping on Boppy pillows online. Why is it not recommended?

While some parents might share images of their babies in various positions and settings, it doesn’t mean they are safe or recommended. Boppy pillows present risks such as suffocation, neck misalignment, and entrapment. It’s always best to follow expert guidelines over anecdotal practices.

If I can’t use a Boppy pillow for sleep, when can I use it?

Boppy pillows are excellent for supervised activities such as breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, tummy time, and as sitting support for older babies. They offer convenience and support for both babies and parents during these activities.


Boppy pillows have become a popular and beloved accessory in many households, offering valuable support for various baby-related activities. However, when it comes to the safety of newborns and infants during sleep, it’s crucial to prioritize expert guidelines over convenience.

While the pillow provides comfort and aid during awake and supervised moments, it’s not a safe option for unsupervised sleep. By understanding and adhering to recommended sleep practices, parents can ensure that their precious little ones sleep in the safest environment possible.

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